Good Standing Policy Rationale

Consistent, caring adults are important for children’s healthy development. A child’s social and emotional skills take time to develop and are helped along with the guidance of patient, caring adults. The role of adults in supporting children’s social-emotional development is critical and lays the foundation for their future health and development. When children feel safe and close to the adults in their lives, they learn to have more trust and confidence.

In line with Warnbro Primary School’s Behaviour Management Policy, our approach to ‘Good Standing’ has been shaped by the Department of Education’s Student Behaviour policy requirements, Keeping our Workplace Safe initiative and associated WA Positive Behaviour Support framework. As such, ‘Good Standing’ at Warnbro Primary School is an educative behaviour improvement strategy.

Good Standing Policy

At Warnbro Primary School, The Good Standing Policy supports our values of Responsibility, Respect, Excellence and Safety by acknowledging and rewarding exemplary behaviour, attitude and work ethic, attendance and standards of uniform. We believe learning is enhanced in an inclusive, welcoming, orderly, collaborative and caring environment. The Good Standing Policy focuses on the importance of students taking responsibility for the choices they make which impacts socially and academically on themselves and others. The Good Standing Policy works in conjunction with the Behaviour Management Policy and aims to provide acknowledgement for the large majority of students who consistently emulate our values.

Maintaining Good Standing

To maintain Good Standing students must:

  • Comply with Warnbro Primary School’s Code of Conduct
  • Follow Warnbro Primary Behaviour Policy
  • Follow the Attendance Policy and
  • Follow the Dress Standards Policy

Good Standing is a status all Warnbro Primary School students are granted at the start of each five-week block.

It is the responsibility of each student to maintain their Good Standing. Students with Good Standing are eligible to participate in Five Weekly reward days. Students who lose their Good Standing may lose the privilege to participate in various events during the school year. Examples- excursions, camps, inter school sporting events, sports days and Year 6 Dinner Dance. Students may lose the privilege to participate in activities where the safety of other students is a concern.


Loss of Good Standing


A student’s Good Standing status will be withdrawn following consultation with administration and the classroom teacher for the following reasons:


  • Three classroom withdrawals to buddy class. This must be entered in SIS by the classroom teacher and parents informed;
  • Three detentions for classroom referrals to Administration. This must be entered on SIS by Administration and parents informed;
  • Three detentions for playground referrals which have been entered on SIS by Administration;
  • Suspension;
  • If a Student Councillor, Faction Captain, Your Move Team Leader or Student Voice Representative loses their Good Standing they will lose their right to represent their school for a 5-week period.


Parents and Guardians of students at risk of losing their Good Standing will be contacted by teachers or administration. This will be through a phone call and then on loss of Good Standing formally via a phone call or a letter.



Unauthorized and/or attendance below 90% in any five-week period. This means any unexplained absences or vacations that have not been authorized by Administration. Medical evidence will be taken into consideration for absences below 90%.


Dress Code

The correct school uniform is worn less than 90% in a five-week period. This will be recorded by the classroom teacher.


Severe Clause

Students my loose the privilege to participate in activities where the safety of others is a concern. Students who are involved in a one off severe behaviour incident will automatically lose their Good Standing. Students who lose their Good Standing 3 times in a year may jeopardize their participation in sporting carnivals, camps, excursions, dinner dance etc.…


Regaining Good Standing

All students will regain Good Standing at the beginning of each five-week period.

The Good Standing policy is provided to maintain consistency in our decision-making processes. It is important to note that these are guidelines and if-

  1. There are extenuating circumstances that have resulted in the negative behaviour
  2. A student has Special Needs and or
  3. There is a significant period of positive behaviour since the previous negative behaviour

Then these factors will be taken into account and any decision to withdraw or maintain Good Standing is at the discretion of the Principal.